Whiteside County Healthier Communities Partnership
Our Mission
Create a healthier and safer Whiteside County.
The Whiteside County Healthier Communities Partnership (Partnership) consists of 50-plus agencies representing the entire county. The Partnership was established in 1996 with the mission “To create a healthier and safer Whiteside County”. Over the past 26 years, the Partnership identified and responded to those needs. Examples include the creation of Whiteside County Public Transportation, Whiteside County Community Health Clinic, and Sauk Valley Foodbank. The Partnership has acted as the task force and oversight committee for multiple grants from a variety of community agencies. The Partnership held yearly Legislative Luncheons to keep Whiteside County legislators updated on the county’s needs and successes. Since 2000, the Partnership acted as the I-PLAN committee for the health department’s mandate to assess needs and choose priorities for the county’s next 5 years. The Partnership also delivered many educational school and community projects in the past 26 years.
Partnership members represent healthcare, mental health, schools, the courts, law enforcement, government, businesses, the area Chamber, and religious organizations, as well as concerned community individuals. The Partnership is composed of agencies representing the entire county and these agency representatives have been successful in making County priorities primary while leaving their agency priorities at the door.
The Partnership was recently incorporated and obtained 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit status. This will allow the Partnership to apply for grants such as ARPA funding to ensure the success of our ongoing projects that benefit the community. The Partnership has established a Board of Directors representing multiple Whiteside County agencies, including the CGH Health Foundation, Sinnissippi Centers, LSSI, YMCA, YWCA, Sauk Valley Foodbank, and the Sauk Valley Area Chamber. These board members have years of experience successfully managing grants ensuring positive results and outcomes. Equally important is the fact that these board members all have experience working with children daily and have a full understanding of the harm the pandemic has caused and how to serve our children. The Partnership is known statewide as one of the most successful countywide collaboratives working for county priorities.
About Us
Beth Fiorini (retired), Chair/Director
Pam Martinez (Sauk Valley Food Bank), Secretary/Director
Joan Hermes (CGH Health Foundation), Treasurer/Director
Skip Dettman (Lutheran Social Services), Vice-Chair/Director
Gloria Martin (Sinnissippi Centers), Director
Kris Noble (Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce), Director
Rebecca Munoz-Ripley (YWCA of the Sauk Valley), Director
Jaime Vos (Tri-County Opportunities Council), Director